segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2022


*Confirmed! You're Medicare Approved*

Just by signing up you've taken the first step towards a life of less stress, more sleep and better focus. We'll be popping in now and again to help make sure you're getting the most from Headspace Take10: your 10 x 10-minute sessions of gently and expertly guided meditation. Getting started Today at 7:15 AM Pacific Time, some Olark operators began reporting issues with using to communicate with their customers. Our engineering team was able to resolve the majority of these issues approximately 45 minutes after the initial report. Some operators continued experiencing intermittent problems with until around 1PM Pacific Time. During this time, we were able to communicate some updates via email and twitter, and chat when we weren't at capacity. We know that you rely on Olark to communicate with your customers. This type of outage is not acceptable. We strive to provide you with reliable service, but today we failed some of you. Our engineering team is putting systems in place to prevent problems like this from happening again. To begin with we recommend that you try one session a day. Start by setting aside a little time when you'll be undisturbed. Just 10 minutes. The time it takes to get dressed, have a coffee, or change your shirt (if you spilled the coffee. Too bad.) Start take 10 now

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