segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

[STBSEB:6653] Petição em favor do Pr. Yousef Nadarkhani

URGENTE DIVULGUEM - Petição em favor do Pr. Yousef Nadarkhani

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Excellency, the Ambassador of Iran

Dear Sir,

Along with many other people around the world, I have been following with great concern the case of Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, who is being tried by a court in Rasht due to his religious beliefs.

I am writing to express my concern and hope that the court will drop all charges against Pastor Yousef, in accordance with international law and especially Iranian law and constitution, which clearly allows freedom for Christians to maintain their religious beliefs and practices.

I am also requesting Your Excellency to pass on my appeal and that of many others to the Iranian government, as a matter of great urgency in this case, so that an innocent person may not be condemned and the constitution of Iran may not be violated.

I am very grateful for your attention to this request.

Respectfully and sincerely,

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